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Why You Need Azure Active Directory Reviews
Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management solution, Azure Active Directory, provides a secure way to control user accounts, passwords, device authentication and more. But just like any technology, there are risks if you’re not vigilant about who has access. That’s why Azure Active Directory reviews are essential for cyber security. Safeguard your company’s data with…
Read MoreManaged Detection and Response: What You Need to Know
It’s natural to think of cyber security in terms of keeping threats out of your systems. But the fact is that not all threats can be prevented, and if you do not have managed detection and response (MDR), you are missing a critical component of your cyber security. The goal of MDR is to quickly…
Read MoreAzure vs AWS: Do You Know Which Is Right for Your Business?
Azure vs AWS. Which one of these cloud architectures are right for your particular business? They’re not new. They’ve been around for a while: Azure since 2010 and AWS since 2006. Azure was developed by Microsoft; AWS by Amazon. This article will describe both pros and cons so you can decide which cloud service is…
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