Richard Blanco

Richard helped found Internos in 2013 and has been acting CTO since. As the Chief Technology Officer, Richard is focused on identifying, managing and delivering the best technologies for Internos clients. With more than 27 years in the IT industry, Richard is passionate about high-tech, but approachable solutions that solve business’ everyday challenges
Virtual Desktops as a Services (DaaS)

Are Virtual Desktops, Cloud PCs and DaaS a Good Choice for Small Businesses?

October 6, 2022

One of the biggest topics lately in IT is about virtual desktops, cloud PCs and DaaS —  what they are, how good they are, and are they right for every business or just some? Our role as a managed service provider is to help our clients understand any new technology which comes along and whether…

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Trending Cyber Risk: Crypto Mining on Company Servers

Trending Cyber Risk: Crypto Mining on Company Servers

August 18, 2022

There’s been a troubling cybersecurity trend in businesses recently — an increase in crypto mining on company servers. A vulnerability assessment can determine if this is happening in your company. Here is a brief explanation of crypto mining on company services and the effects it can have on your company. What Is Crypto Mining? Crypto…

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Russian cyber attack image

Russian Cyber Attack Warning Issued by the FBI: Is Your Business Safe?

March 10, 2022

Need a plan to prevent cyber attacks on your Miami area business and keep company data safe? Internos Group offers custom tailored IT services to help you succeed. In recent news, Europe and the U.S. announced tough new sanctions meant to isolate Russia from the Western banking systems, cut off some of its natural gas…

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cloud computing advantages for business image

Cloud Computing Advantages for Business: A Complete Guide

March 4, 2021

Wondering how some businesses survived despite the limitations of COVID-19? The answer is in cloud computing, which made the transition to a remote workforce much easier. Cloud computing advantages for business are so compelling that most small and medium businesses will continue on the cloud even if their entire workforce returns to the office. Here…

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