Richard Blanco

Richard helped found Internos in 2013 and has been acting CTO since. As the Chief Technology Officer, Richard is focused on identifying, managing and delivering the best technologies for Internos clients. With more than 27 years in the IT industry, Richard is passionate about high-tech, but approachable solutions that solve business’ everyday challenges
Use Cloud Visibility to Drive Decisions - Internos

Use Cloud Visibility to Drive Decisions

June 13, 2024

Cyber threats lurk in the shadows, evading detection and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting businesses. Despite the overwhelming deluge of security alerts bombarding enterprises daily, the challenge lies not in the quantity, but in the quality of insights gained from cloud visibility services. According to InfoSecurity Magazine, the average enterprise security operation center (SOC) faces a…

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Office 365 vs Office 2016 Settling the Debate

Office 365 vs Office 2016: Settling the Debate

September 21, 2023

When it comes to equipping your large or small business with Microsoft Office, the array of options can sometimes feel overwhelming. We understand that deciphering the differences between Office 365 vs Office 2016 might leave you scratching your head.  As cloud computing experts, we’re here to demystify this debate and guide you toward an informed…

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Zero-Click Malware What It Is, How to Fight It

Zero-Click Malware: What It Is, How to Fight It

September 14, 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, the landscape of cybersecurity threats keeps shifting, bringing new challenges to both individuals and organizations. As cyber security experts, we’ve noticed one threat that’s gaining prominence: zero-click malware. Picture this: a form of malware so cunning that it slips into your devices without a peep. No need for you…

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IT Strategy: Finding Balance Between Short- and Long-Term

August 10, 2023

Time and technology can be a tricky combination. The tech and cyber security industry has always been known for its fast pace, creating a constant sense of urgency. We’ve witnessed this firsthand with the rise of emerging technologies. As the era of cloud computing and mobile devices opened new doors, organizations eagerly sought to stay…

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Cloud Security Trends: What They Mean for Business in 2023

February 16, 2023

As our world becomes increasingly technologically advanced, so do cloud security trends and cloud-based computing systems. There was a point when businesses were skeptical about storing sensitive company information on something they couldn’t physically see or touch, but what about now?   The incredible expansion and widespread availability of cloud solutions have pushed virtually every modern…

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remote work infrastructure

Where Is Remote Work Infrastructure Holding Your Business Back?

February 4, 2023

Does your company’s remote work infrastructure and overarching strategy rely heavily on cloud computing? If so, you are not alone in your capacity planning efforts. Corporate spending on cloud computing and infrastructure for remote work increased sharply last year, even as overall IT spending dipped slightly. And that spending trend is sure to increase as…

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Microsoft Adoption Score What You Need to Know

Microsoft Adoption Score: What You Need to Know

January 5, 2023

Technology is essential for improving and tracking productivity in any industry. In today’s remote and hybrid workplaces, it’s important to examine the work product and value an employee brings, as well as what might be preventing them from doing their best work. That’s where Microsoft Adoption Score comes in. Solving Productivity Concerns Is Easier Than…

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Azure Active Directory Reviews (AD Access Review)

Why You Need Azure Active Directory Reviews

November 3, 2022

Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management solution, Azure Active Directory, provides a secure way to control user accounts, passwords, device authentication and more. But just like any technology, there are risks if you’re not vigilant about who has access. That’s why Azure Active Directory reviews are essential for cyber security. Safeguard your company’s data with…

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Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Managed Detection and Response: What You Need to Know

October 20, 2022

It’s natural to think of cyber security in terms of keeping threats out of your systems. But the fact is that not all threats can be prevented, and if you do not have managed detection and response (MDR), you are missing a critical component of your cyber security. The goal of MDR is to quickly…

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Azure vs AWS - Business Cloud Architecture

Azure vs AWS: Do You Know Which Is Right for Your Business?

October 13, 2022

Azure vs AWS. Which one of these cloud architectures are right for your particular business? They’re not new. They’ve been around for a while: Azure since 2010 and AWS since 2006. Azure was developed by Microsoft; AWS by Amazon. This article will describe both pros and cons so you can decide which  cloud service is…

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