Everyone has heard of the dark web but fewer have actually seen it or know if their data is on it. Internos has resolved that issue for our clients. As part of our ongoing efforts to protect the data of both our small and large business clients, we are offering a preliminary Dark Web ID™ scan to our clients for free.
The dark web is the name for an area of the internet that is only accessible if you have certain software and the right configurations. There is no way to search the dark web and most interactions on the dark web are not traceable, which makes it an ideal place for criminal activity. Not everything on the dark web is sinister. But it is the primary place that people looking to buy or sell stolen data do business.
Why Dark Web Monitoring Is Important
Most of the time, companies don’t find out their credentials (e.g., usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers) have been stolen or compromised until it’s too late.
And many times, it’s the employees themselves who have unwittingly opened that Pandora’s box of vulnerability because they use the same credentials to access their work environment as they do for things like HR and payroll sites, social media, banking, travel searches and more. Criminals know this and use it to their advantage.
From there they use the employees’ data to get access to the company’s systems and gather more data, from employees, vendors, clients and even friends and family.
How Dark Web ID™ Monitoring Works
Dark web monitoring analyzes and proactively monitors your organization’s credentials to see if anything has been compromised and placed on the dark web. Pair that with the ongoing cyber security training and education Internos provides all our clients, and you get yet another layer of protection.
Dark Web ID™ allows us to see industry patterns long before they become trends, and offers the intelligence to keep you, and your employees, more protected. It’s a combination of human and sophisticated dark web intelligence with search capabilities.
We will monitor 24/7/365:
- Hidden chat rooms
- Private websites
- Peer-to-peer networks
- IRC (internet relay chat) channels
- Social media platforms
- Black market sites
- 640,000+ botnets
Get Your First Dark Web ID™ Monitoring Scan Free
Since this is a new service Internos offers, we are providing existing clients who request it with a free preliminary scan. Simply contact your account manager to request it.Not a client yet? Fill out the form to request a free Dark Web ID™ scan. A member of our team will contact you to see if your business is a good fit for Internos and qualified companies will receive a free scan. You can also book a meeting, virtual or in person at any time.