Ronny Delgado

Ronny co-founded Internos in 2013, after co-owning ReadyIT alongside Jairo Avila for 12 years. When you ask Ronny about what he enjoys most about working at Internos, it should come as no surprise that his response is about the people here. He’s dedicated to the development of our company and passionate about making sure that we all succeed.
Why Your Cybersecurity Stack Matters - Internos

The Importance of the Right Cybersecurity Stack 

July 11, 2024

In today’s digital age, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure your company’s cybersecurity posture. Cybercriminals are becoming smarter and sneakier about how they launch attacks on businesses. Gone are the days when antivirus software was enough to protect businesses; now all businesses need to take a layered security, aka cybersecurity stack, approach to their…

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What Is Ransomware? What You Need To Know?

What Is Ransomware? What You Need To Know

June 27, 2024

Ransomware has recently become a household term and for a good reason. It is a malicious software that locks your data or device and demands a ransom to unlock it. But what is it exactly, and how can it impact your business financially and operationally? More importantly, how can you protect your business from falling…

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How to Protect Your Privacy Online - Tips for Browser Extension Safety - Internos

How to Protect Your Privacy Online Tips for Browser Extension Safety

June 20, 2024

You’ve heard the warnings: You need to protect yourself online! There are criminals out there every day trying to get your bank login or your Social Security number! But, do you know how to protect our privacy online? There is one sneaky way cybercriminals are getting access to your sensitive data: browser extensions.  As productivity and…

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How Does Cloud Computing Work - Internos

How Does Cloud Computing Work? An Easy Guide

May 22, 2024

Technology is always advancing, which can be intimidating for businesses like yours that trying to navigate the realm of IT alone. One aspect of technology that every company should utilize and have an understanding of is cloud computing. If you haven’t started using the cloud or are still wondering how does cloud computing work, continue…

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Disaster Recovery Solutions for Budgeting - Internos

Disaster Recovery Solutions: How to Budget

May 8, 2024

Hurricane season is right around the corner and planning for a disaster can be stressful. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a pandemic or even a cybersecurity emergency, no one wants to face the fallout. But because you never know when your organization might run into a disaster in one form or another, you need to…

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Top Technology Tools for Lawyers and Paralegals - Internos

12 Top Technology Tools for Lawyers and Paralegals

March 6, 2024

It’s now more important than ever to embrace technology tools for lawyers that support remote work. Successful law firms are leveraging technology to enhance efficiency, bolster security and take their work-from-home efforts to the next level.  The ideal tech stack varies based on firm size, practice area and specific needs. Starting with essential tools and…

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Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture with CIS Benchmarks

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture With CIS Benchmarks

December 28, 2023

With cyber threats to your organization seeming to lurk around every corner, you need more than just the basic security measures. You need a robust and well-defined strategy to safeguard your data and assets. CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks can help you out. Here’s how CIS benchmarks can fortify your cybersecurity posture. What Are…

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2024 IT Planning How to Optimize Your IT

2024 IT Planning: How to Optimize Your IT

December 14, 2023

The annual ritual of crafting your IT planning strategy can be a little like running with the bulls in Pamplona, leaving you feeling beat up, tired and wondering how to articulate your story effectively. As we approach the end of another year, the critical task of planning for 2024 looms large.  As an expert managed…

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Holiday Scams Cyber Security Tips for a Secure Season

Holiday Scams: Cyber Security Tips for a Secure Season

December 7, 2023

As the holiday season approaches, many of us eagerly anticipate the joyous moments spent with family and friends, exchanging gifts and creating memories. However, it’s crucial to be mindful that cybercriminals are also eager to exploit the season’s distracting and merry atmosphere for their malicious schemes. As an expert managed service provider, we’re familiar with cyber…

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Cyber Security Insurance Basics Why MFA Matters

Cyber Security Insurance Basics: Why MFA Matters

November 7, 2023

In an increasingly digital world, the importance of cyber security insurance basics cannot be overstated. Recent cyber threats and ransomware attacks have pushed businesses to seek protection through cyber insurance policies.  However, as you embark on this journey to safeguard your digital assets and data, there’s a new prerequisite to consider: multi-factor authentication (MFA).  In…

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