If your business was a power grid, your ransomware response could mean the difference between some flickering lights and a massive power outage. Would you know what to do? Would your team?
The recent rise in cyber attacks is well-documented and frightening. But it doesn’t have to be. With the right IT support and some simple steps, you can recover quickly after an attack.
Our Ransomware Response Checklist will tell you everything you need to do if you’re hit, plus how to prevent future attacks. This simple, one page flyer is the perfect download to share with your team, post near computer stations and generally get the word out.
The checklist explains:
- What to do NOW (the moment you become aware of the attack)!
- How to analyze the threat (or enable your IT team to do so).
- Steps to keep your business going.
- How to prevent future ransomware attacks.
- Plus much, much more!
Put cyber security on the agenda for your next meeting, but don’t just scare — prepare! When your employees know what to do during a ransomware attack, your business is more secure.
Download the Ransomware Response Checklist:
If you need help with your cyber security or with training your team to implement this checklist, Internos is here to help. Contact us or book a meeting for a no-pressure consultation about your IT support needs.